Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Know I Did It!, Week 6, #14

I went to Technorati and searched my last name. There were about 20 blogs about Yenzer, but I knew no one. There are new blogs everyday, so it's hard to choose a favorite one; so I didn't. I'm not sure how I'd use this at work. Still confused about the tag thing.

Ok Jim - here is week 1, #2

I forgot to post it. Of course Habit 7 1/2 is the easiest for me. I always try to play when learning something new. It makes it a lot more fun and I think a lot easier. If only everyone could play. I always try, but sometimes do not succeed in beginning with the end in mind. That is one I need to work on. I need to work on Habit 4. I'd like to complete the 23 Things so I will be able to teach others and to use this technology.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 9, #23!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! I'm on step 23. The Wii is mine!
Many of the steps were very frustrating and (I think) I am glad that I learned them, even though I don't know when I will use them. Overall I think that the whole idea of 23 things is great. In our jobs, we all need to learn new things. Some of the steps were very time consuming and I ended up skipping some and then going back to them.

I loved creating my avatar. Some of my learning goals were to learn some of these things, and I have. The only things that were unexpected were how difficult some of the tasks were and how much time some took. I think better and more training would have helped. I would definitely participate in another program, but only if it were streamlined. It was a great experience and "you can teach an old dog new tricks".

Week 9, #22

I went to Project Gutenburg and found that it did not have titles such as Fahrenheit 451 or anything by Ray Bradbury. No J.K. Rowling, no Janet Evanovich. I wasn't impressed.

Week 9, #21

I located a podcast and added the RSS feed. It was easier than I thought it would be, or am I getting better? There are so many podcasts about every subject imaginable. I still have a lot of exploring to do with podcasts. I don't know how much I'll use them, but at least I have an idea on what's out there and how to get to it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Week 7, #17

I played in the Sandbox.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 6, #15

To a temporary place in time...

Librarians just ain't what they used to be. Nor are libraries. As the article by Dr. Wendy Schultz states, libraries are communities and they are not merely in communities. This is so true, especially in Baltimore County. We have a relationship with our customers and the community in which the library is housed. As Dr. Schultz says, the neo-library will be a retreat with comfy chairs, quiet and coffee. Going back to the old -- the library.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Week 9, #20

Went to YouTube and found this cool video.

Week 8, #19

Found this on Oodle.com

Checked out the Web 2.0 awards list. Oodle is pretty cool. "Oodle searches over 75,000 websites, so you don’t have to." Instead of YOU having to look in AutoGuide.com, usedcars.com, autobytel.com, Web2Carz.com, etc. for that new car, Oodle will do it for you. It even tells you how long it has been listed. Try it out.

Week 7, #16

Wikidi doo dah, wikidi ay.

Library 2.0 in 15 minutes a day - it's good to see that other library systems are doing similar things.

I think it's very important to explain to our public (and staff) what wikis are and what they are not. Too many students are using Wikipedia like an encyclopedia and not realizing where the info has originated. Maybe BCPL could put out a fact sheet on this for our students.

Week 6, #13

I am Del.icio.us! Finally!! Thanks to ScrappinErin. This is like a file cabinet online. Maybe I'll get organized. Great experience. Love to do it again.

Week 4, #8

Check out my feeds!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Week 4, # 9

Explored MERLIN. I haven't found much on it that I can use - yet. Maybe I haven't explored it enough to get something out of it. I'll keep trying.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 8, # 18

Well I made a calendar to try and get myself organized, now I just have to look at it. It has possiblilities.