Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 9, #23!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG! I'm on step 23. The Wii is mine!
Many of the steps were very frustrating and (I think) I am glad that I learned them, even though I don't know when I will use them. Overall I think that the whole idea of 23 things is great. In our jobs, we all need to learn new things. Some of the steps were very time consuming and I ended up skipping some and then going back to them.

I loved creating my avatar. Some of my learning goals were to learn some of these things, and I have. The only things that were unexpected were how difficult some of the tasks were and how much time some took. I think better and more training would have helped. I would definitely participate in another program, but only if it were streamlined. It was a great experience and "you can teach an old dog new tricks".

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